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2021-07-12 09:44 性質:轉載 作者: 科尼港口解決方案 來源: 科尼港口解決方案
Kingston Wharves Ltd. (KWL)是牙買加金斯敦港口的一家碼頭運營商,向科尼訂購了一臺Gottwald 8型移動式港口起重機,以提高集裝箱裝卸能力和效率,并為特超...

Kingston Wharves Ltd. (KWL)是牙買加金斯敦港口的一家碼頭運營商,向科尼訂購了一臺Gottwald 8型移動式港口起重機,以提高集裝箱裝卸能力和效率,并為特超巴拿馬型船提供服務。該訂單于2021年3月份下單,這是KWL作為科尼集團回頭客的標志,也表明KWL非常認可科尼起重機的質量。

Kingston Wharves Ltd. (KWL), a terminal operator at the Port of Kingston, Jamaica, has ordered an eco-efficient Konecranes Gottwald Model 8 Mobile Harbor Crane to increase its capacity and efficiency in container handling and to serve Super-post Panamax vessels. The order, booked in March 2021, marks KWL’s return as a customerand shows their appreciation of Konecranes quality.

新訂購的起重機是科尼Gotwald 8型移動式港口起重機,屬于G HMK 8510機型。最大半徑為61米,可為特超巴拿馬型集裝箱船提供服務。該款智能起重機的最大起重能力是125噸,能夠靈活裝卸雜貨和超重及大件貨物。起重機交付時會配備一整套備件,以備快速維修,從而最大程度降低因故障而停止作業(yè)的時間。

The new crane is a Konecranes Gottwald Model 8 Mobile Harbor Crane in the G HMK 8510 variant. With a maximum radius of 61 m, it can service container vessels up to super-post-Panamax class. Smart crane features combined with a maximum lifting capacity of 125 t make it flexible enough to handle general and heavy project cargoas well. The crane will be delivered alongwith a complete set of spare parts so that maintenance tasks are quick and minimize downtime.


“Regional trade is expanding, so this order is part of a comprehensive strategic upgrade to our equipment and facilities. Our new Konecranes Gottwald mobile harbor crane will provide us with the performance, reliability and robustnesswe’ve come to expect from such a crane, while giving us the extra capacity and options we need for our future growth and development.”

Mark F. Williams




MHC fleet in KWL

KWL想要為其在金斯敦港口現有移動式港口起重機車隊的基礎上添加新設備,從而促成了此次訂購。自1945年成立以來,KWL為客戶提供了高質量的港口運營業(yè)務,而隨著金斯敦港口發(fā)展成為加勒比海的主要航運物流中心,KWL也必須讓客戶對自己的持續(xù)高水平業(yè)務能力保持信心??紤]到這一點,KWL訂購了一臺科尼Gottwald 8型起重機,進而提高其現有的集裝箱裝卸能力,并為更大型的船只提供服務。該起重機預計將于2021年12月初交付。

The time had come to add new equipment to KWL’s existing fleet of mobile harbor cranes at their terminal in Kingston. As the Port of Kingston evolves into a major maritime logistics hub of the Caribbean, customers must be confident that KWL will maintain the high standards it has established since its founding in 1945. With this in mind, they ordered a Konecranes Gottwald Model 8 crane, as it will allow them to expand their current container handling capacity and to serve larger vessels. Handover is scheduled for the beginning of December 2021.

科尼移動式港口起重機高級銷售經理Andreas Moeller表示:“KWL多年以來一直運營著4臺科尼Gottwald移動式港口起重機,再次訂購說明他們對我們之間的關系保有信心,也說明我們的起重機完美契合了他們在生產率和未來業(yè)務增長方面的需求。我們之間的合作伙伴關系是長期合作的成功典范?!?/p>

“KWL has been operating four Konecranes Gottwald mobile harbor cranes for many years,” says Andreas Moeller, Senior Sales Manager for Konecranes Mobile Harbor Cranes. “The fact that they are returning to us again demonstrates the confidence they have in our relationshipand that our cranes are ideal for both their productivity and future growth needs. Our partnership is a model of long-term cooperation and success.”  


A strong focus on customers and commitment to business growth and continuous improvement make Konecranes a lifting industry leader. This is underpinned by investments in digitalization and technology, plus our work to make material flows more efficient with solutions that decarbonize the economy and advance circularity and safety.



