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德國Goldhofer AST-1 X (6x6)客機專用牽引車 AST-1 X (6x6)

德國Goldhofer AST-1 X (6x6)客機專用牽引車 AST-1 X (6x6)






The towbarless aircraft tractors of the series AST 1 X (6x6) have been developed for a faster, more flexible and cost-effective ground handling of aircraft up to 600 tons MTOW (e.g. A 380).
This forward-looking overall concept allows for a driving power of up to 1.000 kW, which is especially economic due to the installation of two large-lot Diesel engines with up to 500 kW each and the hydrostatic traction.
Due to the concept of 6 drive wheels, the ground load and static friction necessary for the tractive force have been reduced decisively and the driving dynamics associated with high speeds and high aircraft weights have been
The AST-1 X (6x6) aircraft tractors are the only high speed tractors (high performance), which can realize the complete dispatch towing of a fully occupied A380. They can be employed for the different operations like
pushback, inter-gate- and maintenance towing.
An electronic multi-way steering is standard equipment of the Goldhofer aircraft tractors type AST-1 X (6x6), which improves the already very good manoeuvrability in tight spaces even more.