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德國Goldhofer AST-1客機專用牽引車 AST-1 X/F/L

德國Goldhofer AST-1客機專用牽引車 AST-1 X/F/L






The AST-1 X  with an engine power of up to 500 kW is an economically reasonable solution for aircraft of up to 600 t MTOW (A380). This tractor has been designed as a cost-effective variant for ramp operations for the A380 without foregoing pulling force and load capacity. All other aircraft models, that up to now had been covered by the AST-1 F, can now be fully covered with this high speed tractor according to extent and performance.
The AST-1 F is a tried and tested high speed tractor for aircraft of up to 425 tons MTOW (B747). This tractor offers all possible towings with full performance. As an economic alternative in the range up to 425 tons MTOW Goldhofer offers the aircraft tractor AST-1L.
The AST-1L has been designed especially for ramp operations but can also be used for towings at reduced speed. The reduced technical effort makes itself felt not only in the acquisition costs but also in the reduction of running costs without foregoing tractive power and load capacity.
As an option all Goldhofer aircraft tractors type AST-1 can be equipped with an electronic multi-way steering which improves the already very good manoeuvrability in tight spaces even more.